Jun 7, 2007

It's The Cheese!

I am now milking the goats 2 times a day morning at 10:30-11 and night time same time.

I have 4 does that are giving milk. but I'm only milking 3 of them. the one doe with the purebred sannen babies I am leaving them on her to grow as big as possible. not to mention the dam gives so much milk. that each time I go to milk her her udder is tight tight packed

she is one that could easily win at a show with her udder alone..

so, I'm milking 2 first year fresheners and one second year freshener( pictured here). the 2 first years are both purebred sannens the 2ND year one is half alpine and half sable. she has ideal teats but her bag does not get very large. I'm not too worried as it is nice and pliable and so far I'm not having to worry about injuries to it or mastitis which is a infection of the udder that can be caused either by injury or bacterial infection.

well anyways. since I have enough milk in the fridge for us at this time. and I had a hankering for fresh cheese. I decided to make myself some. there is a great place to go to for ingredients culture and recipes. ill put the link on the goat links page.the one I am going to make is a simple cheese using rennet. then you drain the whey off. and make the cheese into a patty.. put into a bowl sprinkle salt on top. let sit a couple hours and turn it over. and sprinkle that side with salt and let sit a little longer. you then can use it in recipes or eat it fresh.

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