The weather today has been sort of off and on. Thankfully tho there was enough warm sunny time for me to suit up and go check on the hives and put in a patty of beepro each and to see if the queens were doing their thing. Hive A was doing great. found the queen. nice grouping of eggs in cells they already stored allot of pollen. and got allot of comb drawn out. Hive b the same thing. but I could not find the queen she is in there somewhere just hiding under her subjects I think or the marking on her got rubbed off. who knows.but the hives are strong. Ill have to look again later. got the bees done and checked the one hive. the bees are already eating the patty. must taste good to them. i then got inside the house, sat down and all heck broke loose. thunder lightning. etc the whole 9 yards just about. electricity went bye bye 3 times.
my poor garden on a slope even. is under water. I swear!
poor chickens look even worse all soaked to the skin just about.. They do have shelter . lol.
plan on doing the house cleaning today and doing some more bee reading. might write some more on here about goats later on. depending on how I feel."Im worrying about the garden. this much rain cant be good for them. my potatoes seem to be ok so far as well as the rest. but my beans never made it. rot from too much rain. my mini indian popcorn is doing well.thank god since I am working on breeding a varagaited leaf type and I still have some seed I have been working on this seed for 8 years now. I save the best seed and the ones from colored plants but anyhow would be hard to start all over again this year.. Ill stick a photo up here later of one of the seedlins with the striping. Will have to wait tho till the rain stops. If it stops...........
the poor goats are not happy with the rain.I still need to get out there clean out the shed and put fresh shavings in there.then when the rain stopps I have to pick up things that the storm knocked about.Im hoping it will stop long enouhg for me to weed on the garden a bit also.
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