Jun 11, 2007

Heeere chicky chicky!

Well.. Last night I cleaned up the incubator. disinfected it and set it up and let it run hot. then this morning I lowered the temp till it was at 99.5-100 degrees then took the eggs i had collected from my flock over the past 4-5 days and set them in. .I now have 48 egg in for hatching. Now all kinds of things can go wrong from now till then. There is a 21 Day incubation period. The egg could be sterile. one could die half way and burst contamination the others the power could go out . etc all kinds of things. But if things go well most will hatch. the Eggs come from my Silver and Golden laced wyndots and rocks. . Personally I prefer to use a automatic egg turner. it turns them so you don't have to .It keeps you from having to handle them allot. lessening the chance of transferring infection to the eggs. also lessens the chance that you will break one. then when they hatch. the ones that do .50% of them at least will be males.. now last year when i did a hatch i was hoping the silvers would be females. well turns out the Golden's were females and the silvers all 11 of them were males. lol. may bee this year things Will go my way?
chickens can be an all purpose breed. you have the eggs. then the meat. the feathers you can use for decoration or to tie flies. their manure is some of the best for gardens. and they can be a source of amusement. ever watch chickens fight over food? throw in a huge Caterpillar one will pick it up and run the others Will follow. the worm will transfer from beak to beak till finally it is pulled apart and the respective winner's eat their spoils.

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