I love horses.. my first equine. was a donkey ...In 1994 a friend gave me (where I lived at the time) a donkey from the blm and her daughter.. more like a long term loan.
with patience and only a bit and bailing twine,I taught that donkey to take a rider. and I learned to stick like a flea on their flat level backs going up and down steep hills.It was not till 4 months later when I was able to afford a saddle.
That took some time to get used to for me lol. Well one day my friend 3 miles down the road called me and said. have a hen for you if you want it. SO. without a car and since we are way out in the country anyways. I saddled up my trusty long eared steed .I get my empty purse with a zipper on it and head on out. about a hour later I get to her place. we sit and chat a bit and talk about different animals and such as goes on in the farming community. she then hands me the hen. so I put it into the purse with its head sticking out and the zipper zipped up to its head. It could not get out but it could breath. Well. I go up to the donkey and twine the handle of the purse to the saddle horn and I hop on. All is going well. we go about 200 feet when the chicken goes Bwaaaaaaakkkkk... donkey stops.. then donkey goes one way and I go the other. I get up and dust off. and watch the poor donkey go into a spin trying to find out what the heck is attacked to its side. lol soon tho she stops and I'm able to get up to her.. and show her it is not a problem. all is fine and I'm on my way back home...
My second was an Arabian gelding named EverReady. As he was always ready to go.
he was the neatest animal. was dumped at a low end auction by his breeder. We never found out why. He was the most steady trustworthy animal. At that time I lived way out about 5 miles down a dirt road.I used to do everythign on him. Ride bareback Explore all the different trails. The place I lived was way behind the Wild animal park in California..If you rode about 8 miles down different fire roads you could get to the service road that went behind the place. I got to see the condors in their breeding pen. and other critters. they even have a Mexican fan palm that did something rare. about 10-14 feet up.. it slit in half and now one stem and 2 palm heads that now go up about 3-5 feet each. I probably put hundreds of miles on that guy. one time. a friend wanted one of the sheep i had. soo. I saddled him up. shoved the sheep over the saddle and got on behind. all went well. you cant say all horses would have put up with that. but he did.
Now we have just 2 horses.. Kate a Grey arabian mare.. who I sorta Rescued when she was 12. (long and separate story to that)who is now 21 and expecting her 5Th and final foal. and Mouse. a unknown breed Grulla filly who when I got her had a month old stifle injury and was totally 3 legged lame. with PT bute and shoeing I did myself. she can now walk almost normally. can trot a bit and can run like a wild thing. She is 3 years old this year I'm guessing from the teeth.
My second was an Arabian gelding named EverReady. As he was always ready to go.
he was the neatest animal. was dumped at a low end auction by his breeder. We never found out why. He was the most steady trustworthy animal. At that time I lived way out about 5 miles down a dirt road.I used to do everythign on him. Ride bareback Explore all the different trails. The place I lived was way behind the Wild animal park in California..If you rode about 8 miles down different fire roads you could get to the service road that went behind the place. I got to see the condors in their breeding pen. and other critters. they even have a Mexican fan palm that did something rare. about 10-14 feet up.. it slit in half and now one stem and 2 palm heads that now go up about 3-5 feet each. I probably put hundreds of miles on that guy. one time. a friend wanted one of the sheep i had. soo. I saddled him up. shoved the sheep over the saddle and got on behind. all went well. you cant say all horses would have put up with that. but he did.
Now we have just 2 horses.. Kate a Grey arabian mare.. who I sorta Rescued when she was 12. (long and separate story to that)who is now 21 and expecting her 5Th and final foal. and Mouse. a unknown breed Grulla filly who when I got her had a month old stifle injury and was totally 3 legged lame. with PT bute and shoeing I did myself. she can now walk almost normally. can trot a bit and can run like a wild thing. She is 3 years old this year I'm guessing from the teeth.
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