this morning. kate foaled a beautifull filly. dark bay almost black. going to go grey. 2 hind what look like partial stockings. half the hoof each is growing out black. verry super tippy ears. the tippiest i have ever seen from one of her foals. just looking at them reminds me of the mawari horses from india. lol. kate had a fairly easy delivery. baby wanted to litterally run from birth on. i had to pick her up to move her to a safer area..(small grass paddoc foaling) and she resented it immensly. trying to buck her hind end up and kick. lol. had to have the vet out because kate retained her placenta. filly in the meantime is running around and the vet commented on how active she was for a 8 hour old foal.
1 comment:
I have enjoyed going back and reading all your posts. You both have done a lot of work and the love you have for your homestead shines through! Thought I would give you another site for goats. This one really helps me alot.
http://www.fiascofarm.com/ I used the photos on labor and delivery when Diva was kidding. Sure helped me know what to expect with each step. Almost feel like a pro now. LOL
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