well late last night. first egg got a tented crack in its shell. those who have incubated or seen babies hatch know what i am talking about. so far the count is 12 babies out of 48 eggs 5 were clear and one didnot make it past the second week. (candle eggs that are being incubated. if you dont and one is bad it will explode contaminationg the hatch and killing most of the babies in egg..)
so far it looks like 8 silvers and 4 golden laced wyndotts. no rocks so far in this hatch. woohoo.
a rock is a wyndotte with a normal comb not the rose comb.
this is the third generation. about 2 years ago i bought thier grandparents as chicks. raised them. had them lay so many eggs that i kept a few and hatched those. they in turn grew up. i ate the males. and kept the females.. and took thier eggs for this hatch. i might do another hatch later in the year have not decided yet.
now for different news. . has anyone seen the ark go by? 4 straight days of unrelentless rain.. my garden on the hill is saturated. 1/3 the popcorn fell over due to the super soft soil and the high winds. i got wire up between. so they are semi up. as long as they are not on the ground. they can get polinated and still produce my ears i need. i cannot workj in the garden. each step and the mudd is over my ankles.. my tomatoes are wilted a bit. i suspect it is from the 4 days wet and cold then today was sorta sunny and hot. will see how they do later. and will keep an eye on them. sure hope they dont die. we are depending on them for this winters stores.
but suck is life on a farm. you depend on nature and god to get what you need. the moon and stars watermellon is doing well. as is the cantelope. i sure hope the potatoes do not rot in the ground. as soon as it is dry enough im diggin those puppies up and storing them. gotta harvest the kholrabi and cann the leaves and the main part.
things are looking up in the old house.. one day we will get a real stick house but right now. we just make it by. it sure is nice not having to be totally dependant on the store for your goodies.
last week i made my own candy. black lickorice. the old fasioned hard candy. it came out great. but i also learned. if you make candy and it says do not stir then dont stir. if you do. like i did with the first batch. you will end up getting crystilization before it even gets to the hard crack stage and there is nothing to do to ffix it but grin and bear it and eat it as is..
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