Mar 19, 2009

Orchids and more

Siting here working on some photos.. enjoying the warm sun saying spring is here.. (but we most likely will get frost soon sigh) went to the local store.. and they finally got a new shipment of orchids.. i picked out one phalaenopsis.. or moth orchid.. i hope it survives. this is the first orchid i got that had rot in some roots an was looking like it could get a bad case of it and die.. but. i trimmed off the sick roots.. sprayed it clean.. picked off other stuff.. sprayed again dipped it in a vitamin b complex solution to help the roots and put it in fresh orchid medium.. or called orchid bark..
sad to say allot of store orchids come packed with sphagnum moss. and tightly.. not allowing for air movement.. and its usually so soaked it starts to rot.
here are a few photos of some of my new orchids.. you will notice the one looks different than the other which is the same color.. they are the same .. clones.. but the difference is one is peloric.. which means the 2 petals turn into lips in a way.. some are more peloric than others.. this is a strong peloric.. farther down this page you will see the yellow orchid.. it is also peloric .. but light on it... they dont know what causes orchids to go peloric.. they think sometimes during the cloning process something gets tweaked... its possible..

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