May 30, 2007

Midnight light show........

Last night around 12 midnight. lightning was playing around the sky not touching ground but racing from one end to the other. they were probably the longest lightning i have seen. i tried to get photos but it didn't quite work . digital cameras are not good at that stuff. but i did catch a small one. I'm hoping things will dry out so i can weed the garden. i can weed now but it is so moist out there that the weeds will survive the uprooting and regrow new roots. i have to wait for a nice sunny day. where they will be dry up after I uproot them. The poor goats are hating this as they don't like to get wet and it cuts down on their grazing time. and i cant wean the babies till i can get some hay in to feed them with . and i cant do that till it dries enough for the local farmers to cut the years first. ahh everything is connected somehow out here. and if one thing doesn't fall into place it sort o puts a binder on things.i don't have to quite milk the goats until i can wean the babies off thankfully.tho i can get a bit if i need it by taking a baby off at night and taking the morning milk.

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