as I sit here in the messy living room looking out of the window at my clean well growing vegetable garden. I think, boy I am so lucky and so blessed. it was a struggle for mom and I to get where we are today. Mom started in California with me a small child. and my sister just born. we were in a apartment. later mom was able to buy a town house with her VA loan..(she was a Marine)15 years pass. we had a garden in the small 20 x20 back yard but it was not much. the city grew and the once nice area turned dangerous. we then go up to a small desert town community near Idylwild.. did you know that Elvis visited the lake hemet. also. if you watch old westerns and if you remember bonanza? that opening scene was shot in mountain center. I also rode horses up in the mountains.. later that small town started to grow. people moved in with dirt bikes saying we moved here so our children could enjoy themselves. but it was at the detriment of the longtime residents. so we decide to move again. I tell mom. want about Missouri?It is midway between NY where her family lives and California where my sister lives her daughter.....I had gone to Missouri to visit some Friends i knew...and I knew the area and liked it immensely. so we head up here to check out houses.. point taken. if you go to house hunt. and like a house by photos. don't buy by photos along go up to look at it and take someone with you that has no interest in the house you buy so that you have someone to tell you hold on friend. this house has too many problems look at it. is it something you want to deal with?
well finally we find the house for us. tho not what i would like permanently it is a nice place. 8 acres in a l shape big pond for fish and water for livestock and us if we need it. sloping hiss where i have my garden .. some woods for firewood and beauty. nut trees for food.easy access to a road. and mom was able to buy it outright . it was a miracle that we got it. mom was not sure if we would qualify for a loan since she did not have a job here in Missouri at the time. we looked and looked for houses. finally we went to one Realtor. told them what we wanted. and as the lady was stockpiling places to go look. mom was looking through the magazines that place put out. she said. what about this place 8 acres and a pond 2 car detached garage. single wide mobile with an add on (someday we will build a stick house on it). for 49 k.. lady said its already been sold. the guy came up and said nope. it just fell out of escrow that morning! so the lady takes us and the list of different places. and we head out. first house we saw. was the 49 k one. first time we stepped foot on the land. and i saw the pond. i knew it was for us. we never bothered to look at the other places we bought the house right there.. god had a plan for us and he wanted us to have that house. it might be just a stepping stone for us or it might be permanent. we don't know but we will go with the flow and whatever he has planned for us. This year. it has been 2 years we have been here. we have gone through 3 summers and 2 winters the third year the garden is going it is the best it has been. we will put away allot of the vegetables. can meat etc. and have enough to see us through the winter like last year but this year we will have more.There have been trials and tribulations. and nothing has been super easy. but we weather it and become stronger because of it. and learn. that is the important thing. we learn from the things that we do....
well finally we find the house for us. tho not what i would like permanently it is a nice place. 8 acres in a l shape big pond for fish and water for livestock and us if we need it. sloping hiss where i have my garden .. some woods for firewood and beauty. nut trees for food.easy access to a road. and mom was able to buy it outright . it was a miracle that we got it. mom was not sure if we would qualify for a loan since she did not have a job here in Missouri at the time. we looked and looked for houses. finally we went to one Realtor. told them what we wanted. and as the lady was stockpiling places to go look. mom was looking through the magazines that place put out. she said. what about this place 8 acres and a pond 2 car detached garage. single wide mobile with an add on (someday we will build a stick house on it). for 49 k.. lady said its already been sold. the guy came up and said nope. it just fell out of escrow that morning! so the lady takes us and the list of different places. and we head out. first house we saw. was the 49 k one. first time we stepped foot on the land. and i saw the pond. i knew it was for us. we never bothered to look at the other places we bought the house right there.. god had a plan for us and he wanted us to have that house. it might be just a stepping stone for us or it might be permanent. we don't know but we will go with the flow and whatever he has planned for us. This year. it has been 2 years we have been here. we have gone through 3 summers and 2 winters the third year the garden is going it is the best it has been. we will put away allot of the vegetables. can meat etc. and have enough to see us through the winter like last year but this year we will have more.There have been trials and tribulations. and nothing has been super easy. but we weather it and become stronger because of it. and learn. that is the important thing. we learn from the things that we do....
I enjoyed reading your blog, Crystal. Sounds like you and your mom are coming along well! I hope your ear is healing. Christa aka freespiritlivin
ty christa.. ear healed up well tho was sore for over a month. making it a bit difficult to find a sleeping side. lol.
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